Compressor delivery to Tobolsk

Route: EXW Polígono Industrial Azitain Nº 6 E-20600 EIBAR. (Guipúzcoa) ESPAÑA - the port of Bilbao - the port of SPB (Bronka) - FOT Tobolsk
ABC COMPRESSOR, 3 units, one-time delivery
Weight dimensions:
1) 720 * 458 * 330 cm, 27,200 kg
2) 720 * 458 * 330 cm, 27,200 kg
3) 720 * 458 * 330 cm, 27,200 kg
Delivery is carried out in a multimodal way: car delivery to the port of departure in Spain, sea ferry delivery to the port of St. Petersburg, then by car to the destination